Donate, Join, or Renew Your Membership Online!
On this page you can make on-line contributions to HRA for the following:
- Support 40 Years
- Membership dues
- One Time Donations
- Memorial Donations
- Swim Guide Program
- Riverwatch Equipment
- Learning Celebration Crowdfunder
Please scroll down for Donation Buttons. If you do not have a Paypal account and wish to use a credit card, click on “Continue” at bottom of the opening Paypal page.
Become a Supporting Member of the Haw River Assembly!
Your yearly membership does more than simply contribute financially. The Haw River Assembly works to make the Haw River healthy and safe for all to enjoy! Consider becoming a member today to sustain our work and strengthen our presence in the environmental advocacy arena. Our members don’t simply provide funds, they provide VOICES and POWER to our mission!
You may Join or Renew your annual HRA Membership online using credit card or your PayPal account.
Donate to Support over 40 Years of Defending Our River!
The Haw River Assembly has been defending our watershed since 1982 and this year marks our 40th anniversary!
It is still the Haw River Assembly’s mission to restore and protect the Haw River and Jordan Lake, and to build and support a watershed community that shares this vision by promoting environmental education, conservation and pollution prevention. Help us in speaking as a voice for the river in the public arena; and to put into peoples’ hands the tools and the knowledge they need to be effective guardians of the river.
Make a One Time Donation to the HRA
Use this link to make a general donation to the Haw River Assembly. You can list any relevant information about your donation in the message box when completing the donation.
Donations to to pay tribute to someone or to honor the memory someone’s memory.
Put any relevant information you want to share about your donation (i.e. memorial donation, a donation in honor of an individual or project you’d like to your donation to benefit) in the message box when completing your PayPal transaction.
Donate to Support the Swim Guide Program:
The Swim Guide program allows us to monitor for E.Coli bacteria at several public swimming accesses in the Haw River basin. Your donation will allow us to reimburse mileage and lab equipment.
Donate to the Haw River Watch Program:
Your donations help us in purchasing new monitoring equipment and supporting teams needs so we can better measure local water quality.
Not on a team yet? Join us by registering as your teams leader or learn more about what active teams are are near you by checking out our main monitoring page!
Click the donate button below to sustain our River Watch Program.
Learning Celebration Crowdfunder:
The Haw River Learning Celebration is a field trip to the Haw River for fourth graders each fall. Since we began the program in 1990, over 48,000 students have participated. Schools attend one of our three locations in Chatham, Alamance and Rockingham counties and spend a day doing activities along the river, enjoying a picnic lunch and concert together, and a special puppet show.
Your donation allows us to keep the costs of the program as low as possible. It helps make it feasible for us to charge only $3 per child, and we never turn down a child for inability to pay. You can donate online using the Paypal button below (Paypal Account not required), or can you mail a check payable to HRA with memo line Learning Celebration to PO Box 187 Bynum, NC 27228. Thank you!