Exposing the Pipeline Company’s Deceptive Tactics: Fossil Fuel Profits at the Expense of Public Safety and Climate Change

Public Hearing Notice: Nov 21, Dec 2 & 3

Riverkeepers Unite: Strength, Resilience, and Dedication to Their Communities
Riverkeepers United,by Emily Sutton, Haw River Assembly Executive Director and Haw Riverkeeper

Guardians of the Haw: Haw River Assembly Supporters Speak! The Learning Celebration with Dr. Maja Kricker

Research study finds very high levels of PFAS in Haw River fish

Do you eat fish from the Haw River, Jordan Lake or other local waters? ¿Come pescado del río Haw, del lago Jordán o de otras aguas locales?

Meet the Artists Behind “The Spirit of the River” Trash Sculpture
Meet the Artists Behind “The Spirit of the River” Trash Sculpture

Cleaning Up Carolina: Bottle Deposit Bill to Reduce Litter
Cleaning Up Carolina: Bottle Deposit Bill to Reduce Litter