Research study finds very high levels of PFAS in Haw River fish

A recent study (pdf below) found high levels of a harmful chemical, PFOS, in sunfish from the Haw River, especially in Burlington. In some fish, PFOS levels were as high as 124 parts per billion (ppb), with an average of 42.3 ppb. The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) had previously set a safety limit of only 17.2 ppb for PFOS in fish from the Lower Cape Fear. This means that eating some fish from the affected areas aren't safe due to the high PFOS levels.

PFAS were found in all the fish collected, the long chain PFAS were the most prevalent.

Jordan Lake fish had highest amount of different PFAS compounds detected, but not the PFOS compound that DHHS has used for fish consumption. (FHxSA and FBSA) 


Guardians of the Haw: Haw River Assembly Supporters Speak! The Learning Celebration with Dr. Maja Kricker


Do you eat fish from the Haw River, Jordan Lake or other local waters? ¿Come pescado del río Haw, del lago Jordán o de otras aguas locales?