Stream Restoration:
What is live staking?
We're glad you asked! Live-staking is a method of riverbank or stream bank restoration:
"Live Staking is practice which reintroduces plant life directly in the places that need it most, the stream banks. It is low cost and something that land owners can do easily on their own property. Stem cuttings, taken from trees during their dormant season (before the buds break in the spring), are inserted directly into stream banks. These cuttings, referred to as "live stakes," will eventually grow into new trees and are an effective way to establish a root network in the stream banks and help prevent further soil loss."
The Penn State Extension has a wonderful site you can explore the topic at length.
Help us to stabilize the river and stream banks on a Saturday of Live Staking! Volunteers should be prepared by wearing gloves and appropriate close-toed shoes. Interested? Registration in advance is required: email Hannah to get involved!