Muddy Water Watch
We will host a virtual training session on Wednesday, April 30, 2025, from 6:30-7:30 pm.
Register here: https://forms.gle/u4xPxTAyy9bqk5dE7
As our watershed continues to be developed at an alarming rate, the Haw and its tributaries are facing the negative impacts of sediment pollution. Increased development means an increase in construction stormwater runoff, which is the leading water pollution problem in the nation, according to a 2008 report from the E.P.A.
Construction stormwater runoff carries sediment, debris, chemicals, and bacteria which are harmful to humans and aquatic habitat.
The Muddy Water Watch is an initiative to reduce stormwater runoff from construction sites. Partnering with county Sediment and Erosion Control programs, Haw River Assembly provides training, materials, and the tools necessary for volunteers to properly identify and report sediment and erosion control violations.
Taking Action
After receiving training from the Haw Riverkeeper and county officials, volunteers will monitor, record, and report on potential sediment and erosion control violations at constructions site through a user-friendly smartphone application, free in the app store. Find the app, instructions, and reviews here. Reports are sent directly to the Haw Riverkeeper, and the Sediment and Erosion Control Officials in the county.
In the training, volunteers will learn how to identify sediment pollution, failed sediment and erosion controls, and how to have a lasting and effective impact on water quality through monitoring and reporting construction stormwater pollution.
Training Schedule
Training programs will be held in order of public interest. We are happy to train individuals and groups if you are interested in the following counties; Alamance, Guilford, Wake, Durham, Orange, Chatham, and Rockingham. If you are interested in participating in the project, please contact emily@hawriver.org.
Supplemental Training Material
Saturdays on the Haw: Muddy Water Watch Series
Additional Documents
Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual: This manual is broken into eight chapters and explains the procedures and practices in great detail.
Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual: Use this for images of examples of successful Stormwater BMPs and stormwater ordinances.
General Permit Information/ National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NCG01000): Division of Water Quality Fact Sheet on Discharging Stormwater for Construction Activities
NC Surface Waters Classification Map: Watershed Classifications determine water quality standards and protections. It is possible to get listings reclassified, which can raise the standards.
Watershed Classification Acronyms Explained: This page has a lot of detail on Watershed Classifications, but scroll to the bottom and you’ll find the Acronym key.
Impaired Waterways List (303d): Information on the 303d list from the EPA: how water bodies are classified as impaired and how they are removed from the list. Find the EPA’s list at this site as well.