Want to Give a Gift that Supports Our Work for Clean Water?
The Haw River Assembly office is open for our Holiday Sale of T-shirts designed by Clyde Jones, plus River Books and Art!10 am - 4 pm on weekdays from now until Friday Dec. 20, and Saturday Dec. 14 10 am - 2 pm (call first on weekdays to make sure we're in - 919-542-5790) We're located at 143 Bynum Church Rd the downhill corner with Bynum Hill
We're selling our brand new 2020 Clyde Jones "Bass" T-shirt!
Plus LOTS of our beautiful shirts from earlier years designed by Clyde at sale prices. (Plus 10% discount on all sales to HRA members). We also have the Haw River history book "Down Along the Haw", "River" art book and soem beautiful bird prints and paintings donated to HRA by Nathalie Worthington.See what's available at: http://hawriver.org/wp-