Submit a FERC Comment opposing the SSEP Pipeline

Thanks to our incredible partner Claire Spear with the Pipeline Center, you can now submit comments directly to FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) in Docket No. CP25-10-000 opposing the SSEP pipeline. Share your personal concerns about water issues, endangered species, construction impacts, safety hazards, environmental damage and the lack of benefits for affected communities. Remind FERC that this project would produce nearly 31 million metric tons of carbon emissions annually (equivalent to 7.3 million gas-powered cars), interferes with North Carolina's carbon reduction laws and deserves a full Environmental Impact Statement rather than the less rigorous Environmental Assessment currently planned.

Submit a comment directly to FERC:

  1. Use this Comment guide to help you walk through the online process.

  2. Write out your concerns and consider the following themes as applicable:

  • Personal landowner concerns (water issues, endangered species, construction impact, other impacts)

  • Safety 

  • Environmental

  • Lack of benefit for impacted communities

  1. Submit an eComment in Docket No. CP25-10-000: Below are some talking points to consider adding to your personal concerns:

  • Disappointed that the public voice was ignored and an EA is to be drafted, instead of an EIS.

  • The public comment period should be 90 days, instead of 30, and FERC public hearings should be held in each county along the route.

  • Given the scale of this project, and its potential impacts to water, air, species and communities, the most robust environmental review possible should occur, the EA should ultimately require a full Environmental Impact Statement. 

  • Williams Transco’s safety record is worse than other gas pipeline operators in # of incidents

  • FERC should assess a “no-action alternative”

  • FERC should offer 90-day public comment period

  • The Cumulative impacts of SSEP’s co-location with MVP Southgate should be considered

  • SSEP would create a steep increase in harmful air pollution emissions, most especially at Stations 150 and 155

  • SSEP would produce 30,950,000 metric tons per year of carbon emissions = 0.52% of entire nations carbon emissions = 7,366,156 gas powered cars per year 

  • This project interferes with North Carolina state law requiring Duke Energy (main customer of SSEP) to reduce its carbon emissions

  • Additional talking points can be found HERE

Please share this petition with friends, family and colleagues you know in Forsyth County here:

You can also sign the Sierra Club petition HERE.

And remember to RSVP for the upcoming Oak Ridge community meeting on Tuesday, February 25th! Here are the meeting details: Tuesday, Feb 25th, 6-8pm at the Oak Ridge Town Hall - Council Chamber

  • the first 25 minutes will be dedicated to entry-level education via an overview of SSEP and Q&A; all are welcome, but newcomers are especially encouraged to attend this portion

  • from 6:30-8 we will focus on SSEP current events/news, updates from the community, and strategy/action planning

  • Please RSVP for the meeting here


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