Haw Riverkeeper News: 1,4 Dioxane Update

The NC Environmental Management Commission met in January to receive an update from state agencies on 1,4 dioxane sampling and levels of ongoing pollution in the larger Cape Fear River basin.

1,4-Dioxane is a likely human carcinogen and has been found in groundwater at sites throughout the United States. The physical and chemical properties and behavior of 1,4-dioxane create challenges for its characterization and treatment. It is highly mobile and does not readily biodegrade in the environment. -EPA technical fact sheet

Greensboro's draft permit, not yet been released for public comment, will have final discharge limits of 0.54 ug/L for a monthly average. This is based off of the more protective narrative limit of 0.35ug/L of 1,4 dioxane. We anticipate industrial polluters and regulated entities to push back hard against this permit limit, so we will need as much public engagement as possible to hold this limit. Reidsville, Burlington, and High Point will also have regulatory limits on their permits, which are currently being drafted.


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