North Carolina Water Standards Triennial Review: This is our chance to push NCDEQ for stronger water protections. Your voice is needed!
In a process that only happens every THREE YEARS, North Carolina's water quality standards are up for review. This is our opportunity to push NC Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) to use their authority to propose stronger protections for our waterways. Public input is critical, with a hearing on April 22nd, 5pm at the Archdale Building in Raleigh, we need to pack the house! Written comments are due May 2nd.
Mark your calendars and join us in Raleigh April 22!
Use our recommendations below to create your three-minute comment:
1. The proposal lacks numeric standards for PFAS. Although the Environmental Management Commission is working to finalize standards for dischargers, setting surface water standards is a separate process for protecting our waters. We'll push for the EMC to set a surface water standard for PFAS as a class of no more than 20 ppt for all PFAS combined.
2. The proposal omits a numeric standard for 1,4-dioxane, which has been deregulated over the last three years. To reflect the protective standard of no greater than one in one million cancer risk, the surface water standard should not exceed 0.35 micrograms per liter (ug/L).
3. We support an E.coli water quality standard after years of advocating for this transition from fecal bacteria. However, this standard only applies to class B waters, excluding most waters in the Haw River watershed. This rule should cover all waters used for recreation, including Class C waters.
**Your voice is the lifeline our drinking water desperately needs. When you speak up, you stand for families who deserve safe water flowing from their taps and communities whose health depends on what's in their glasses.
On April 22nd, be their champion. This isn't just about policy—it's about protecting the most basic human need. Our neighbors are counting on you. Our children are inheriting the water we fight for today.