MVP Southgate Pipeline News: May, 2023

MVP Southgate representative Shawn Day posted a tweet last week, stating they expect to file a request for extension by June 18. We have yet to see that request. In anticipation of that request, we have asked Federal and State representatives to urge FERC to deny that extension. IF an extension is granted, the entire process would begin again, including permit hearings and comment periods. That process alone would likely add another two years to the project, which has ballooned in costs due to delays. 

Be sure to attend our in Burlington on June 15 of "Not On This Land", the story of the organizing work done by community leaders to stop the ACP pipeline. We'll have a panel discussion with these community leaders and our own community leaders fighting the MPV Southgate. 

Earlier this year, Southgate released all properties held in eminent domain proceedings. Landowners that had fought these cases were financially compensated by MVP Southgate for all lawyer fees and surveying fees, adding exponentially more costs to this failing project. 

Earlier this week, the Biden administration announced that they would be supporting the MVP mainline in Virginia and West Virginia. Our friends at POHWR, Appalachian Voices, ARTivism and Sierra Club have been working hard for several years alongside community members to fight this project and have had incredible wins. However, this fight is NOT OVER!

North Carolina has held the denied permits for the MVP extension of Southgate since November of 2020. Since then, no permits in the state have been granted, no applications have been reapplied for, and all eminent domain lands have been released. Many landowners that settled for easements also included clauses in those easements that would cause that easement agreement to expire if construction was not completed by the end of 2024. 

The pathway for MVP Southgate continues to narrow and become less and less feasible. We will discuss the next action steps at our upcoming film event, so please reserve your free ticket here!


It is so incredibly important for YOU, right now, to contact your representatives. Our wetlands need your voice!


North Carolina Legislative Update! 5/19/23