At Haw River Assembly, we understand the importance of ensuring the longevity of our efforts to protect and preserve the waterways that sustain us. Many of our supporters have chosen to make a lasting impact by including the Haw River Assembly in their wills and trusts, allowing them to contribute to our cause without any upfront costs during their lifetimes.
Creating a will is a powerful way to extend your love and generosity to the causes and people that matter most to you. Legacy giving isn’t limited to the wealthy—every gift, regardless of size, makes a significant difference in our ongoing mission. We deeply appreciate all contributions.
Join us in our quest to ensure clean and safe water for future generations by considering a legacy gift to the Haw River Assembly.
We welcome the opportunity to discuss how your transformative gift can align with your personal goals, ensuring a lasting impact on our mission to protect and preserve the health of the Haw River and its watershed. To learn more about legacy giving and how you can make a difference, please email
Your support is invaluable in helping us continue our vital work for years to come.
To include the Haw River Assembly in your will or estate plan, you may use the following sample language: “I give to the Haw River Assembly, a nonprofit organization located in Bynum, North Carolina, the sum of $____ (or _ percent of my estate, or the following property_, or all of the remainder of my estate) to be used to protect and preserve the health of the Haw River and its watershed. The Haw River Assembly’s tax identification number is 58-1510282.”
For a time, I rest in the grace of the world and am free.
~ Wendell Berry