The Orange County Erosion Control Division has the primary authority and enforces the erosion control portions of local ordinances throughout Orange County, including within Chapel Hill and Carrboro.  This includes: reviewing erosion control plans, issuing plan approvals and permits, inspecting permitted sites, and investigating complaints and unauthorized land disturbances. Chapel Hill and Carrboro have delegated the authority to Orange County Erosion Control for implementing the erosion control program.  In addition, Chapel Hill and Carrboro have staff with expertise and responsibility for stormwater management and overseeing new development. Below you will find links to relevant ordinances specific to Orange County, Chapel Hill, and Carrboro.

We hope our volunteers can aid Sediment and Erosion Control Specialists in keeping up with the demand to regulate and enforce watershed protection ordinances, especially concerning sediment pollution. Do you know of a potential sediment pollution concern in Orange County? Let us know, and we will keep an eye on it.

Training dates are as follows:

September 6, 2017
6-8 p.m.
North Carolina Botanical Gardens
100 Old Mason Farm Rd.
Chapel Hill, NC
Joslin Classroom C (107)

The training slideshow is posted below. If you are unable to attend the training, please contact for information on how to participate in this project.

Note that not all of Orange County is within the Haw River Watershed. If you are outside of Chapel Hill or Carrboro and concerned with sedimentation issues in the Neuse watershed, contact Matt Starr:

Orange County Ordinances

Orange County Erosion Control

Unified Development Ordinance/ Orange County Erosion Control
This ordinance is currently under revision. The updated ordinance will be posted as soon as it becomes available.

Watershed Matrix Map

Chapel Hill Ordinances

IDDE (Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination) Ordinance

Chapel Hill Development Activity Map

Stormwater design standards

Erosion and Sedimentation Standards

Watershed Protection District

Carrboro Ordinances

Carrboro Development Activity Map

Stormwater and Erosion Control Ordinance