Blog Archives

Could the MVP Southgate project be resurrected?

What does Manchin’s “Dirty Deal” mean for Fossil Fuel projects? UPDATE: Sen. Manchin withdrew his proposed bill due to lack of support, but we are keeping a close watch on what comes next. Thanks to everyone who took action and

Posted in Issues

River Issues: Industrial Contaminants

For the next few weeks, we are going to be sharing some videos that explain threats to the Haw and what we do at Haw River Assembly to protect our watershed from those pollution threats. One issue that has been

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Sludge in Our Waters

“Sludge In Our Waters” is a new report that investigates how industrial chemicals in some municipal wastewater sewage sludge applied to farmland are contaminating surface waters in North Carolina.  Drinking water sources downstream from these sludge fields are at risk. 

Posted in Issues, News

Agreement Reached with Burlington on Steps to Prevent More Raw Sewage Spills

In response to legal pressure applied by the Haw River Assembly and Cape Fear River Watch, the City of Burlington agreed on September 2 to take specific steps to evaluate and improve its wastewater collection system. In April, the two

Posted in Issues, News

Haw River named one of “America’s Most Endangered Rivers”

  ” The America’s Most Endangered Rivers report is a call to action to save rivers that are at a critical tipping point”, said Peter Raabe of American Rivers. “Pollution is choking the Haw River and without a meaningful cleanup

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